











On August 21th, we left for U.S and our travel was without problem before we reached to San Francisco International Airport. We made a long line in front of the immigration formalities and entered US. But one of our delegation, Mr. Ikeda did not come to our side. We were waiting so long for him, so we had little time to the connecting flight. Only five members could be at the Gate on time, other 19 members include Mr.Ikeda were too late to board. Fortunately, the flight for San Antonio was late about 50 minutes, we all could board the flight to San Antonio. The reason why Mr. Ikeda was late was a man who was just before him was restrained by officers. I did not know in detail.
At San Antonio International Airport, Dr. Godon who was a president of Bexar County Medical Society and other members were waiting for us, and we renewed our old friendship.

After we checked in the Hotel, we were invited to Stake Restaurant along the River Walk. We enjoyed Big size stake, and celebrated Ms. Mastuoka who's Birthday was today!

On August 22nd, I got up early morning and ran to the west of downtown. In the morning, we visited the Alamo it was close to our Hotel about 10 minute walk. But it was Sunday! The opening time was 10 o'clock compared 9 o'clock Mon-Sat so that we had to wait until 10 o’clock.

After lunch, we went to the Big Mall to shopping. Dr. Fukushima bought many caps with logo of San Antonio Spurs for the board members of our association.
Welcome party was held at Oak Hill Country Club, I changed my cloth to Yukata. Our delegation showed our performance, two American songs and dance SANBA OTEMOYAN. Songs were very nice compared to yesterday, I thought Piano accompaniment by Nobuko she was a professional jazz pianist was extremely wonderful. I met Dr. & Mrs. Johns, Dr. Martin and many wonderful friends. I had enjoyed to talking with them and had a good time.

On Aug. 23rd, I ran about 1 hour and saw two big hospitals just from outside. In the morning our delegation visited to City Hall and City Municipal Plaza, and had the meeting with one of the city council members, her name was Mary Alice Cisneros she was proxy for Mayor, because Mayor was out of town.

Our second destination was Brook Army Hospital, and visited to the Burn Center. Dr.Kim who was a specialist in this field and gave us a short lecture about the therapy for serious burn patients.
The third destination was UT (University of Texas) medicine San Antonio Medical Arts & Research Center. We had a power lunch and Power Point that introduce this Center. Dr. Lee was an assistant professor of anesthesiology department, she was also a runner ! She guided us around the Outpatient’s operation center and Imaging Area.

The fourth destination was Bexar County Medical Society. All staffs were welcomed us, we saw many medical antiques there. We enjoyed cakes, soft drinks and a lot of hospitality.
In the evening, we were invited to the TX Steak Restaurant along the River Walk. Dr. San Martin and his partner, Mr. & Mss. Wisniewski were at the same table to talk together from medical surrounding's problem to who should be the leader in our home? We had enjoyed to talking each other very much.
On August 24th, since I was so tired I got up after 6:30, I started my jogging before 7. But I had good sweat. Today, we first visited to “Haven for Hope”. It is a faith-inspired, non-profit organization committed to transforming the live of the homeless and to helping the working poor people in the community to keep them from becoming homeless. About 1500 people stayed there, most of them had a program to live their own lives. When we were the office, we had a chance to meet one big man he was a representative the State of Texas and contributed "Haven for Hope" very much.

Second destination was a Methodist Stone Oak Hospital, it was opened almost one year ago, very new and beautiful hospital. During lunch short power-point presentation about Methodist Health System was showed. Our delegation was divided two groups. Our Group visited to the surgical floor include pre-anesthetic area, and post-anesthetic area, however, we could not enter the operation room, because protection of personal information was very strict. We also see the ICU, PCU and ER. But if some patient was in this area, we could not enter there. America institutions were very large and rational, practical, although large size was allowed by their land size I thought.
After a shower was passed in the evening, I jogged in the downtown around 45 minutes. When I was lost and checked the downtown map, one old gentleman his name was Mike helped me and showed the way. He spoke good Japanese, because he had been working in Tokyo almost 30 years ago.

However farewell party was planned on the boat at River Walk, the plan was hanged the party was held at the TX restaurant because of watery sky. Drs. Moss and San Martin joined together, and had a good time.

After the party, I backed my room. I lost my consciousness immediately after I went to bed.
On August 25th, I got up one o’clock, and started packing and writing this report. We were very welcomed by BCMS members and their families. In particular with Drs. San Martin, Humphreys, Beato, Mr. Wisniewski, Ms. Fuentes, Quinones and Robertson were spent their precious time for us. I also thanks for President Dr. & Ms. Gordon, President Elect Dr. & Ms. Moss, they were leaders of BCMS. Of course we were very appreciated to Ms. Hiroko Fay who was a benefactor of our exchanging program.
 On August 26th, I arrived at Haneda Air Port through more than 15 hours flight. Mis. Sonoda and I went to the Japanese Noodle Restaurant and ordered Soba!








Y's Men's Club International 国際大会 in Yokohama

Y's Men's Club 第69回国際大会が横浜で8月5-8日にかけて開催された。

http://www.hi-net.zaq.ne.jp/genkidesu/orizururun.html の最終(おまけ)ランに一緒に走る自分の写真が写っている。

 今大会のテーマは、「環境と平和」で、第1日目のキーノートスピーチ(基調講演)では枝廣さんの環境と平和に関して今私たちができることをテーマに“ From Our Hands, We Pass Nature’s Torch “英語での堂々のスピーチとなった。午前2時に起きれば何でもできる・・との言葉には(本も出版されているが)、自分に当てはめながら、では何時間寝れるのだろうと思った。終了後聖歌隊の練習。テナーに加わったが、口パク聖歌隊でないように必死に楽譜と歌詞(英語)を追った。夜は日本の夏祭りをテーマに懇親会があった。浴衣を着て参加したが、家人は外国からの参加者への浴衣の着付けで大忙しのようだった。

 2日目の早朝は宿舎の前の山下公園を1時間ほどぐるぐる回った。朝は8時過ぎから平和を祈るプログラム、丁度広島の原爆記念日と重なった。海外からの参加者も数多く出席してくれた。朝の礼拝では賛美歌を2曲歌った。 午前中は「国際書記の現状報告や世界のワイズメンズクラブが地域奉仕活動として取り組んできたHIV/AIDS拡大防止への取り組みや、これから始まるRoll Back Malalia運動の発表があった。

Peace Hour(平和の時間)では、秋葉忠利広島市長からのメッセージがDVDで届いた。流暢な英語で原稿にまったく目を向けず話す市長の態度と、その内容に感激した。午後からのエクスカーションが東京見物に参加。ほとんどがバスからの見物で唯一浅草仲見世通りと雷門での散策が地上でのコースだった。東京スカイツリー(完成時634m)は丁度400mを超えた時点のようだった。晩さん会の食事があまりにも少なく、飢餓を思い食事を抜く運動を思い出した。ホテル側との打ち合わせミスのようだっやが。






日曜日は早朝から庭の草刈をした。草刈機を上手く動かし、あっという間に庭はきれいになった・・・庭が狭いので当然か・・・。その前に町内会の廃品回収の資源ごみを29段の階段を行き来して車庫前に並べた。 病院に行き、麻酔科入院患者さんを回診し、教会の礼拝司会の担当だったので急いで教会へ行った。 牧師・奏楽者・司会の3名で打ち合わせと祈りの時間を持った。今日の聖書の箇所でコリント人への手紙1の12章12~31節はなるほど一般社会に十分に通用する、というより皆がそのような思いを持てば、良い社会(会社や病院)になると思った。うちの病院に教会の信徒の方が入院されていることを聞き、お見舞いに病院に引き返した。15分ほどお話ししたが、とても喜んでくださった。 家に帰り、たまっている書類の整理を始めた。17時過ぎたので、妙泉寺公園に走った。

「向日葵や 日焼けを嫌がり 東向く」
